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Axios HQ
free AI Paraphraser

Same original meaning. Better clarity and flow. Rephrase up to 10,000 words to create fresh, engaging content with Axios HQ’s AI Paraphraser.

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The tech behind Axios HQ AI Paraphraser

Reword any piece of text to write engaging emails, internal memos, or other communications. Our AI-powered online paraphrasing tool uses the Smart Brevity principles to:

— Understand the meaning of your text.

— Rephrase the text while maintaining the original meaning.

— Present the new text in an eye-catching format and style.

Other tools

AI Rewriter

Generate crisp, engaging paragraphs with this free AI Rewriter.


Article Summarizer

Summarize complex articles into quick insights in one click with this free tool. 


AI Text Summarizer

Transform walls of text into simple, bite-sized insights with our AI text summarizer.


Sentence Rewriter

Enhance voice, tone, and sentence structure with this free AI-powered communication tool.


Conclusion Generator

Write compelling conclusions to make your readers smarter, faster.


How does Axios HQ’s AI Paraphraser work?

Axios HQ AI Paraphraser uses the Smart Brevity communication methodology to analyze your text, understand its original meaning, and rephrase it with new words for improved readability and fluency. Type or paste your text into the field at the top of the page , click “Paraphrase” and let this powerful tool do the rest.

What is the Smart Brevity formula?

Smart Brevity® is a communications formula developed in the Axios newsroom. Based on brain science and data, this formula has defined the media organization’s success. 


Today, Smart Brevity is helping leaders and other professionals style and format their communications to be clearer and more effective. 


— The Axios newsroom invented it.
— The world’s busiest readers embraced it. 
— Then Axios HQ productized it.


We analyzed over 1 million examples of Smart Brevity updates, developed an algorithm that can execute it just like a journalist, and made that the DNA of Axios HQ so any communicator can access it. 


Now, we’re building online tools like this one so you can use Smart Brevity to improve communication in all sorts of contexts — from a simple sentence and a short email to a full article and beyond.

Who can use this paraphrasing tool?

The Axios HQ AI rewording tool is ideal for leaders and other professionals who want to enhance their communications. Use this tool to rewrite your emails, internal memos, social media posts, and other communications with better tone of voice and readability.

Axios HQ makes internal comms work

See how our AI-powered platform can help your organization plan, compose, align, and measure your internal communications.

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