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Department leaders

Management plays a pivotal role in hitting goals

Ambitious teams need fearless leaders who can ruthlessly prioritize, share progress, and rally support from around the organization. Axios HQ helps them do it.

An empty inbox and a full outbox

It's time to accelerate growth and productivity

Many employees and stakeholders are struggling. They’re inundated with information — emails, IMs, document dumps, meetings — but they’re starving for the context they need to understand it.

Department leaders have unparalleled perspective: able to harness executive perspectives, translate top-down directives, and customize the context teams need to turn big-picture strategy into day-to-day execution.

Why it matters

Employees expect leaders to prioritize what work is valuable.

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balance rocks-1
58 %
of employees are less likely to burn out if work is tied to org-wide purpose
2.8 x
more likely to be engaged if they talk with their manager about goals often
67 %
of employees would go above and beyond if they felt more valued

What we're hearing from leaders

Department leaders keep their staff and stakeholders on the same page — prioritizing what work will be valued by leaders and valuable to team success.

a checklist on an ipad printing completed pages

AI can smartly summarize your priorities

Most leaders have a strong vision for where their department is headed and clear goals that will get them there. But as their team scales, the depth of detail each employee needs will get more specialized.

Axios HQ can take the smart insights you write, summarize the bottom line, and take you one step closer to complete. 

Department leaders trust Axios HQ

Whether you're writing a team-wide update or reading out on your path-to-goal, HQ helps keep teams productive. These are just a few of the leaders who use it.

See how other departments communicate

They use Axios HQ to build teams and manage executive expectations.

Ventura Foods' sales update

This 3.5-minute read is the team's monthly look into the food industry's trends and sales.

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Utah State's Business School news

This 2-minute read covers the school's events, career opportunities, and more.

Read it

We love the Axios HQ approach because it’s based on brain science and research. It helps us think differently — like refining what should be there and omitting needless words. We’ve totally changed our approach to content, and we’re hearing a lot more people repeating our key messages back to us since.

Susannah Ahlschwede | Strategic Communications Director

Read the case study

GLG completed more than 600 Social Impact projects in 2020 alone. We wanted to share these stories with employees to encourage even more of them to participate. Axios HQ allows us to effectively highlight high-impact stories, generate enthusiasm, and shout out the employees contributing to the work.

Jen Field | Head of Social Impact

Read the case study

Department leader insights

How do you solve business communication problems?

The first step in solving business communication problems is to set clear, understandable expectations. Create a culture in which questions are welcomed so that each contributor knows who is responsible for what and so that misunderstandings are kept at a minimum. Model honesty, transparency, and responsiveness so folks learn to value and embody those traits as well.

What is managerial communication?

Managerial communication is the exchange of information between managers and both their superiors and subordinates in an organization. Managers are responsible for a great deal of information spread across organizations and should not be undervalued for their vital role in communication, collaboration, and employee success.

What are some good leadership communication examples?

Leadership communication encompasses all messages that executives send throughout the organization to keep the business moving in the same direction. Examples include:

  1. All-hands updates
  2. Investment updates
  3. Board member updates
  4. 1:1 coffee meetups
  5. All-hands meetings
  6. Performance reviews

See real examples.

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Get started with Axios HQ

See how our AI-powered platform can help your organization plan, compose, align, and measure your internal communications.

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