Media Coverage

Workers fault their company's internal comms

Written by Press | Feb 17, 2023 5:00:00 AM

Published by O'Dwyer February 17, 2023

Most company leaders feel that they’re doing a good job when it comes to internal comms, according to communications management platform Axios HQ. Employees, however, aren’t quite so sure.

  • Out of the more than 1,000 leaders that Axios polled last November, 77 percent said that essential communications at their organizations were “helpful and relevant.” Even more (78 percent) said those communications were “clear and engaging.”

A poll of more than 1,000 employees uncovered a different story. Only 46 percent of the respondents in that poll said their employer’s internal comms were relevant, though slightly more (51 percent) gave them high marks for clarity and level of engagement.

  • Employees and leaders also differed on what they felt the top priorities for internal comms should be.

Leaders placed “culture and values” at the top of their priority list, while employees most wanted to hear about operational changes (processes and policy updates).

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