9 bottom-line benefits of investing in internal communications

An organization’s success depends on two things: strong goals and an engaged workforce that’s able to deliver on them. This time last year, there was a glaring gap — 77% of leaders thought internal communications were helpful and relevant. Only 46% of employees agreed.
This year, the gap grew:
- 85% of leaders think their internal communications are helpful, relevant, and have the context teams need to do their jobs.
- 45% of employees agree.
Why it matters: When internal communication is strong, data draws a direct line from it to a workforce that’s more aligned with organizational goals, to a business that’s able to deliver better results, and to a stronger bottom line.
When organizations can chart that success — and track it back to internal communications — it becomes a lot easier to make the case to invest in the tools and strategies you use to keep staff in sync. Axios HQ surveyed over 400 leaders and over 1,000 employees to help you develop a baseline of statistics and see the impact of stronger communications.
The ROI of more effective internal communications
Communication is a force multiplier. It keeps people on the same page, prioritizing work that’s valued by leaders and valuable to team success. It’s also one of the most critical ingredients in helping hybrid staff feel aligned, motivated, and connected with the organization.
Leaders across the nation rated the direct results they’ve seen from prioritizing and delivering more effective internal communications to employees:
- 45% saw better employee engagement
- 42% saw stronger teamwork and collaboration
- 40% saw higher eNPS scores
- 39% saw greater productivity
- 36% saw better alignment with culture and values
- 32% saw growing revenue or profits
- 32% saw longer employee retention
- 30% saw increased alignment with leadership vision
- 29% saw more independent decision making
Armed with these insights, communicators can continue to prove the impact of their work and show executives why they should invest in better communication tools. Strong communication creates stronger alignment — and better business results.
The bottom line: The more effective your communications, the more benefits you will see. That will help every part of the organization, creating an atmosphere of trust, loyalty, and productivity.
Go deeper: Ineffective internal comms create a massive retention risk