Increase transparency and trust
Workers are demanding transparency, meaning, and trust like never before. Axios HQ helps you deliver it.

Prioritize honesty and transparency above all
Whether you’re a two-person shop or a Fortune 500, trust, transparency and empathy have become every leader’s most powerful currency and the beginning and end of their credibility with a hybrid workforce.
"There’s been a study among 40 countries," says Jon Clifton, CEO at Gallup, that looked into employee satisfaction. "The single biggest driver: interpersonal relationships at work."
Stay clear and direct
Whether stocks are down, a stakeholder is leaving, or your product has suffered a setback, at some point you will have to communicate difficult things to employees and stakeholders — and if it’s not done with care, it can fracture what delicate transparency in the workplace you've been able to build so far.
Preparation is key. You could be rolling out a new benefit or shifting your business strategy — but teams still want to hear from a person they respect about the way this news impacts them.
Tone is critical, too. The key is showing authenticity in a way executives haven’t historically felt comfortable.
Creating predictability is step two in sustaining team trust. That might be hearing from leaders in a weekly all-hands, or letting staff and stakeholders submit questions executives will answer. Whatever the premise, the critical promise is that this access is ongoing.
Trust your HQ
If communication breaks down, trust, engagement, and productivity erode right alongside it. That means leaders have the power — and urgent responsibility — to preserve transparency in the workplace, helping employees feel supported, informed, and empowered to trust their leaders. Axios HQ helps you deliver it.
Axios HQ boosts transparency
Our features help you give people the essential information they need to feel respected and connected with your top leaders.
More on transparency and trust
What is transparency in the workplace?
What are examples of transparency in the workplace?
From feedback to values, communicating with transparency in the workplace allows individuals to stay aligned around common goals. Other examples of transparency in the workplace include:
Conveying difficult news in a timely and empathetic way
Offering constructive criticism kindly, but professionally
Discussing individual or business performance on an understandable level
Onboarding and training materials that clearly set expectations
Addressing sticky subjects or incidents while ensuring others know what will and won't be tolerated
What are some ways to encourage transparency in the workplace?