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Axios HQ metrics and analytics

Communication metrics matter

From open and click rates, to competitive benchmarks, track what your audience wants — and learn what keeps them engaged.

Powerful, insightful, actionable

Only 47% of communicators say their organization measures how effective their internal communications are. HQ has the tools you need to understand your readers and serve them better.

Smart data for smarter writers

The flywheel will start — not end — when you hit send.


Data will flow in real-time as your audience receives your HQ update. In 24 hours, an Edition Rundown will hit your inbox — a quick email summarizing opens, clicks, and other key metrics. 

When you're ready, click into HQ for the full data picture.


Over time, you'll build a data story about who is — or isn't — engaged at your org. One team might need a different send time. Another might be starving for more. The data will show where to check in.

Drill down in each update or look at long-term trends. 


Communications in any form should feel like a conversation. Start one. Ask your readers what they like, what they don't, and what they need more of. It will help you serve them better. 

1:1 conversations enhance 1:many communications.


Now take everything you've learned and digest it. Evolve your strategy. And when you are ready to send your next update, you can trust the track, ask, analyze steps that really do work. 

Your audience is changing. Your strategy should be, too.

“Our engagement is bananas. The analytics in HQ make it very easy to track. So when we spend time creating a newsletter and then 60% of our audience actually reads it, it makes us want to do a better and better job each time. It’s incredible.” Cara Natterson, Founder

How Order of Magnitude cut its production time 93%

Its leaders plan, write, send, and track their newsletter, “The Awkward Roller Coaster,” with Axios HQ. 

Read their case study

More about communication analytics

How do you analyze internal communications?

Diversifying the metrics you use to analyze internal communications — beyond click and open rates — will offer a more complete picture of what’s happening at your organization.

Four key qualitative measures to analyze, from McKinsey's head of lifecycle engagement: Employee satisfaction, emotion, energy, and community. Read more about how to analyze them.

How do you measure internal communications?

Internal communications have been historically hard to track. Click through rates and open rates are valuable metrics but they aren’t showing a complete picture.

Seven key quantitative metrics to consider: Open rates, click rates, audience segment performance, poll responses, one-click survey input, write-in feedback, and casual input. Read more about how to measure them.

What is an example of a KPI for communications?

Employee engagement and satisfaction are two key KPIs for internal communication. Ask how they’re feeling. It can go a long way in determining if they find their work meaningful and are receiving the inputs they need to be successful. “Our people team does a weekly sentiment survey,” says McKinsey's Head of Lifecycle Engagement. “We learn a ton about what communications techniques are landing with folks."
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Learn more about our analytics

Make data-driven decisions when it comes to your communications. Book a demo to get started.

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