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Customize your look and feel

Customize your internal comms' look and feel

HQ gives you both guardrails and freedom. Its format is proven to boost engagement. Your colors, logo, and email-safe font make it uniquely you.

Flexible formatting, intentional design

Every element of an Axios HQ update is designed to keep your readers focused. From its single-column format to the line breaks between cards, we'll take the guesswork out of what will work. All you have to think about is what goes in it.

Make your message stand out

HQ helps you pull readers in, makes key details stand out, and lets your readers have moments of rest.


HQ's two-tone design, intentional white space, and breaks between cards all help ease readers' eyes — and create a cleaner canvas that helps readers continue to consume what you send.

You pick the message, we make sure it stands out to those who need it most.


A single-column format makes sure your readers stay focused while they scroll. You organize your internal updates in a smart order with intentional hierarchy to guide readers through your update.

You control what's first, then next, and they stay engaged with it. 


Images, charts and illustrations all have an impact on reader engagement. Pick from thousands of custom illustrations, millions of stock photos, or upload your own brand imagery to a private library.

You pick what's true to your brand. HQ's mobile-first layout makes it look great.

Happy Money
“Our newsletters don't look exactly like an Axios news email might. Happy Money is quirky, and we let that brand personality come through in our voice and visuals. I get the power of Axios HQ but can still make it fit our brand.” Laura Cullen, Director of Communications

How Happy Money earns 73% open rates on its weekly updates

Their fully distributed workforce needed a regular cadence of communication from the CEO and other leaders to stay connected and energized.

Read their case study

More about design customizations

How do you structure an internal newsletter?

The strongest internal newsletters are under 1,000 words. Your read time will be 2-3 minutes, which is reasonable for many readers at the start their day. Most newsletters share updates on 4-10 topics — the areas of your organization that have the most impact on readers. See real examples.

What should an internal newsletter contain?

Employees say operational changes, organizational goals, and people operations updates are the most important topics they need to hear updates about. What you cover in your internal newsletter will depend on its audience, though. Focus on what your readers need, what decisions they make and work they do, and what will help them stay aligned. Survey them to pressure test your assumptions, then act on what they ask for.

How do you make an internal newsletter interesting?

Seven steps can help keep your internal newsletters clear, effective, and engaging:

1. Focus on your audience.
2. Grab their attention.
3. Write like a human.
4. Subject-verb-object.
5. Be short, but not shallow.
6. Keep copy scannable.
7. Stop when enough is enough.

Hear Axios CEO Jim VandeHei's TEDx talk on effective internal communication.
wave graphic

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See how our AI-powered platform can help you design communications that are clear, engaging, and memorable.

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