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Last year the team at Hennepin Healthcare said they needed cleaner, more consistent comms. Leaders were spending time building emails on essential organizational updates — but staff inboxes were overflowing and critical updates were getting lost. 

  • What happened next: They leaned on employee feedback, embraced Smart Brevity®, and overhauled their strategy so it met the needs of their time-strapped medical staff.

Hennepin Healthcare’s Cheryl Neel joins HQ’s Emily Inverso for a look at how Hennepin tackled email fatigue and built a staff communication strategy that is:

  • Efficient: delivering succinct communications so their staff can spend less time in their inboxes and more time on patient care.
  • Trusted: leveraging consistency and collaboration to be a source of highly-anticipated and authoritative information.
  • Scalable: creating a system that started with one all-staff comm and expanded to include department-specific updates. 


Emily Inverso headshot
Emily Inverso Axios HQ VP, Brand and Strategy
Cheryl Neel headshot
Cheryl Neel Hennepin Healthcare Medical Staff Operations